Tuesday, July 24, 2007

What will your t-shirt say?

My t-shirt simply states, "If you're thinking Red Lobster, you're thinking WRONG!"

Beth (http://www.myowntwosticks.com), Kate (http://www.katefranco.com), and I were talking about the idea of making t-shirts that accomplish a couple of goals:
1. Lets people know a little about you ("I like to Say Poop") or
("I tend to gesture with my feet").
2. wards off the crazies ("No, I will not drive by your house to see if I like it enough to come in!") or ("My marionette thinks you're hot!").

So, what will your t-shirt say?


Bethro said...

I need to defend myself here-

"Likely to use the word 'Poop' in conversation." Totally different than enjoying the word.

Yay! Congrats. You should include some of those fabulous pictures you take, even if they are unrelated to the posts.

Kate said...

Definitely include the photos! Can't wait to read more.

And I think we decided I am, "I gesture with my feet." Creepy, but not untrue.

jean said...

I already have a t-shirt with this on it and I love the reaction it gets, so I thought I'd share:
"Rugby doesn't kill people. I kill people."